Here's what I have to thank for the contouring magic on my last post :P LOL.. it's face powder! It was wayyy too dark for me but it works great for contouring since it doesn't get muddy looking.
I bought this set off ebay since they didn't have it available anymore on sephora in medium. You can check it out here if you think you can fit the light shade ^_^ It retails for $59 on there and it's only available there. I think they're about to stop selling this kit because they never restocked up on the other shades LOL.. I've been eyeballing it for a LONG time but never got to purchasing it until now.. they're all FULL SIZE products! :D
Comes with a step by step instructional thing and a dvd.. but you know I don't have time to sit around and watch DVDs :P
everything... the brushes are baby size! They're so small and CUTEEE! I would probably use the "foundation" one for blending out concealer :D
Here's the contouring magic. I once read somewhere in one of those american makeup magazines that you can use a darker foundation to contour because I know a lot of us use bronzer and some contouring powders become too muddy if not applied properly...
See what I mean? TOO DARK... My face and hands are pretty much the same color so I feel like I don't look like myself if I wear it all over my face. I use the darker one for contouring ^_^
I don't know if they sell this separately though because I can't find it on the website :( Sorry gals... try a cheap face powder if you want to try this technique out ^_^ I know loreal true match is an alright powder, but I'm not sure about the staying power anymore since I haven't used it in a few years xD
High Definition Healthy FX Foundation SPF 15
Shade: M2 (I am about NC40 and this is almost a perfect match, just BARELY too dark for my face)
I like the way the pump works, it PUSHES the foundation UPWARDS because I hated the MUFE HD because I could never tell how much was left until I opened up the bottle! Same with MAC Studio Fix Fluid..
It's very sheer.. like tinted moisturizer status! I don't like it at all, but it didn't make me break out so I'll just finish it up since I bought it. I won't be purchasing this since it's almost $40 for a tinted moisturizer coverage! Too bad, I liked it's innovative pump system! :D
Hybrid 2 in 1 Luminizing Primer
$25, BUY HERE or $19.99 HERE
I really like this somewhat since I gave up trying to sell my photo finish primer on my blog sale so I'm just using it daily to finish it up since I don't want it to expire and what not. The clear part is the photo finish primer, but the "inside" part is their artificial light. I think they balance out when applied so it's not shine kill overload!
Don't like the control I have with squeezing out the primer though.. see how much came out before the artificial light came out?!?! That's a lot of primer.. probably 2-3 days worth! O_O
Camera Ready Full Coverage Concealer
Shade: 5.0 (Golden Beige)
I thought this would be super drying from the looks of it, but it melts into my skin! I'm not sure about others though. I think it's because I warmed it up first and not applying it straight to my face ^_^
Perfect color match for me! I'll be using this on my blemishes :D I'll test staying power later and if it's worth it I'll review it. I doubt it though! haha, I like to rub my face during the day :X Yes very bad for you, don't do it!
I didn't bother photographing the photo op under eye brightener because I don't think it's anything super special. I'm trying to get rid of one on my blog sale, but no luck! I won't open this one unless I have a sudden change of heart for it. I did read up on how to really use it though. A lot of people mistake it for a concealer o_O! You apply concealer and then dab/pat it on top of it instead of smearing it on because then you just messed up your concealer application! I'll try it out sometime again because I'm developing dark circles :(
Finals are coming up next week.. I have so many things due this week;; essays (psychology - 2/3, government - 2, history - 1, chemistry - 1)... projects (pschology - 1, chemistry - 1)... speech (business communication - 1 persuasive)... and extra credit (every class BY THURSDAY/FRIDAY)
OMG, that's a lot of stuff! Guess how many I've started on? :D... NONE! Linda (xoladiihoneyxo) you would be so ashamed if you're reading this right now :(
So I won't be back in full blast until probably next, next week now that I figured out how much stuff I have to do. I'll still be posting up things I bought and took pictures of already ^_^ I'm sorry for not commenting on your posts! I've been reading them secretly at work and during class LOL.. It's just a pain in the butt to comment on a phone :( I've also switched to using the HTC G1 and it's really annoying.. I'm not loving it so I might change back. We'll see!
I've also read your comments you leave me! YOU GIRLS/BOYFRIEND/ONE RANDOM GUY are so nice :) This blogging thing is seriously a stress reliever! It gives me a little break from all this craziness xD