25 December 2010


Hello beauties!

I'm sure you can all tell by the title this isn't a beauty-related post. It's Christmas over in Texas and it's wet & rainy. Just wanted to swing by this blog thing and wish you all a Merry Christmas and have a safe New Year! I'll make a post before then though :)

I leave you with my hat... with built in gloves! hehe, it's super cute :)



  1. greetings to you too Polar Linda...

  2. Polar Linda... hehe, such a cutie! Merry late Christmas to you and a happy new year darling! It's snowing all night long till tomorrow in Boston.

  3. I love your ensemble! ;)

    Hope you had a merry xmas and that you rocked out your new year!

    I actually was able to find a whole full jar (I think it was brand new, or used once or twice) in a blog sale. If you e-mail me your address I think I have a couple of sample jars and I'll send you a sample from mine!

    My mom kind of yelled at me and told me to look for the camera, but I don't know how to tell her that it might of been in the garbage - plus I know it was HER who took it out, lmao.


Thank you for stopping by my little corner of the web!