22 April 2011

My Beauty Diary Mask - Bird's Nest

Hello loves! :)

I hit the MBDM jackpot today! They were only $2/mask or 10/$17! I think that's a fair price right?? I just hope I remember how to get back over there LOL...

I bought 3 Bird's Nest to try out since I keep seeing everyone rave about this specific one!

Not a formal review, just trying it out right now... && lots of stuff has happened since the New Year began and this is the weirdo I ended up dating :D

Night everyone!


18 April 2011

MAC Quite Cute, indeed.

I'm not dead, I promise! Just a quick one today.

Sakura Blush

I really like this blush!

Another update soon I hope. Otherwise there will be one at the end of the semester!
